"The Decision" has been made, Miami wins. It looks like they will be winning for a very long time. LeBron James yesterday announced on national television that he was leaving Cleveland to go play with Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh is South Beach.
While fans in Cleveland cried and burned his jersey, fans in Miami went crazy and rushed to buy season tickets. Fans in New York were upset as well, (I was in NYC last night after the decision and everywhere you looked someone was saying 'F*** LeBron') those in New Jersey and Chicago knew they had no chance.
On to the analysis. LeBron made this decision in order to win. I thought the best place for his to go would have been New York. It would have revitalized the NBA in a completely new way. Not only would there be dozens upon dozens of story lines heading into the season but rivalries galore. If LeBron went to New York imagine opening night of New York vs Miami, Bosh and Wade vs Amar'e and LeBron. Christmas; Kobe and Gasol vs Rose and Boozer. The big three in Boston vs Dwight Howard and the Magic, tons of possibilities.
Instead LeBron chose the championships and the best CURRENT opportunity to win not just one ring, but multiple rings. Tons of bitter Cleveland and New York fans are saying that LeBron took the "coward" way out and that he owed it to the city of Cleveland or he strung along New York, which is a load of crap. LeBron owes the city of Cleveland nothing, and I mean it, not one damn thing.
LeBron James single-handedly revitalized the city of Cleveland by restoring the basketball program, boosting the economy and putting basketball back on the map in that state. Before LeBron strolled along the only thing Cleveland basketball was known for was Michael Jordan draining a jumper and Craig Ehlo dropping to the court like a sack of potatoes. He played seven years in Cleveland took them to the playoffs and a NBA Finals, won multiple MVPs, all-star game appearances and many more accolades. He did not win a ring, but that isn't completely his fault. The organization never gave him the proper "Robin," an old Shaq doesn't count, Antwan Jamison is awful and Mo Williams doesn't even deserve to be called "Cat Woman." He did all that he could for that franchise and it was time to move on.
The worst part about this entire situation was the way it was handled and LeBron is receiving a lot of grief about it from fans and sports talk shows everywhere. This whole "The Decision" on ESPN was completely unnecessary for him to announce that he was going to Miami. The day before that, at 12:30pm on SportsCenter Bosh and Wade made their decision. If LeBron knew he was choosing Miami why not save face and just hop on SC with them and do the announcement like that. It would have saved him so much aggravation if it was handled in a more mild-manner sort of a way. Aside from that, the decision itself is not one people should be angry at. It was a decision to go and win, it was not about the money or the fame, it was simply about the rings.
Following LeBron's decision Cleveland Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert made a fool of himself and put himself into a hole he wont be able to get out of in the near future. Gilbert issued and statement ripping apart James that made him look like a sore loser and cry baby. Gilbert called LeBron "a former hero" "narcissistic" and "disloyal." Also saying this bold statement:
In the meantime, I want to make one statement to you tonight:
You can take it to the bank.

Today Miami introduced Wade, James and Bosh to the Heat fans where there was a "party" followed by a press conference. The press conference is what struck a chord with me the most. LeBron answered questions to which he forcefully stated that his decision was about the W column and getting championships. It was a prime opportunity for them to play together like they did in 2008 for the USA Olympic team where they won the gold medal. All three of them seemed to be on the same page mentally and really knew what they were getting themselves into. If this goes how it seems on the surface the NBA should be very, very scared. Yes the Los Angeles Lakers are the 2-time defending champions right now and they are the favorite for next year right now because we do not know who will fill out this Heat roster, but the Heat will be dangerous in 2010-2011.
The figures for the contracts came down of all three, LeBron James and Chris Bosh both agreed to six-year $110 million dollar deals. Dwyane Wade signed off on a slightly smaller deal of six-years $107 million dollars. Each took 15 million dollars less than they could have with other teams in order to play together and win. They left that money on the table so that a team could be built around them. In this case no one lied, it is about winning, it is not about the money, it is simply about the hardware.
Now that it is over, moves can be made and we can get on with out lives. NBA teams will focus on getting better, adding players to their rosters, the summer league and then the season will begin. LeBron's decision is one he will have to live with, and for his sake I hope he win 10 championships with the Heat. He has to or else he will be vilified for the end of time.
The great ones always want the ball in their hands at the end of the game, when the pressure is on. Well LeBron congratulations the weight of the world is on your shoulders with this decision, your move.
Great opinion piece. I agree that Cleveland should respect him for what he did for the city and hope he does well. And he's a relatively young athlete, perhaps he can make amends in the future with his home state. I dont think what he did was on the level of Coach Rodriguez or Art Modell. It wasn't totally unexpected.But it should make for interesting seasons
Can't disagree much with anything in this post. These days it's obvious to see that many people are so caught up in the ESPN highlights that they don't appreciate what basketball really is...a team game. You don't have one guy dominate the entire game and four others loafing around. LeBron saw exactly what he needed to see in the Celtics series in his so-called teammates...fear and helplessness. Anyone who wants to say that he took the easy way out should learn more about the history of the game. Jordan doesn't win without Pippen and heck even Rodman and the others. Kobe knows for a fact that he wouldn't be a Laker if Pau hadn't been gifted to him. If LeBron wins a bunch of titles with Wade and Bosh and someone says that he couldn't handle it himself just doesn't know anything about basketball. The whole ESPN show thing was a bit overdone, I think he should have just had a quick press conference instead. As for Gilbert, I can't blame him for being angry. I mean, his franchise just lost $100 million in value in the matter of minutes. On the other hand, boy he must have been really mad haha.
Dan Gilbert writing in comic sans added to the ridiculousness of his open letter.
what1814 - Thank you for your kind words. People had the audacity to compare LeBron to Modell, that was just ridiculous. People who thought that LeBron leaving had the magnitude of an entire team switching locations is absurd.
Karl - ESPN has brainwashed many people, but its of no fault to them. They have 0 competition so they can force feed the sports community with whatever they please and there is little any other "network" can do about it. That is why so many people hated this process and the reporters associated with ESPN through this process such as Chris Broussard and Ric Bucher and their "sources".
Chris - Dan Gilbert is an idiot 100% What he did was not only embarrassing to the Cleveland organization but he just alienated himself from all future potential players. Who would want to play for such a shady, quick-to-snap owner. No thank you.
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