A couple years ago David Stern and the NBA issued a new rule that says a player who wishes to play in the NBA must be at least 1 year removed from his high school graduation, this was for "the better of the student athlete." The title of student athlete is a bunch of bologna, how many athletes looking to go to the NBA and who have a good shot at it, care about their schooling.
Those like Derrick Rose, O.J Mayo, Michael Beasley, Greg Oden, Kevin Durant, these guys who were NBA ready out of High School were forced to college for one year. What's the point of sending a kid to college for one year, just to meet a quota. "Why are you in college?" asks teacher "Because i have to be in order to go to the NBA." How ludicrous is that? why take money out of the pocket of these kids and make them go to classes like ball room dancing just to meet this stupid rule.
How would the NBA feel if instead of college players like Rose and Mayo decided to skip college and spend 1 year in Europe and play there for $300,000+ and then go to the draft. If more players did this then maybe David Stern would reconsider this rule. The NBA does not care about the "student athlete" the NBA is conserned with these kids and how they will act in the public eye. How will they portray the NBA when they reach there. This is all about the NBA not the players, get rid of this rule and let these kids play ball and make their money.
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